How can we develop a resource-efficient and sustainable economy? This question arises especially in times of energy crisis, climate change and evolving purchasing behavior. The retail sector in particular is in need of innovative ideas and approaches. At the Places Hackathon, solutions are to be sought and found in the form of prototypes that use augmented reality. These prototypes will then be presented in the shop windows.
The Places Hackathon offers participants the opportunity to work together in interdisciplinary teams on their prototypes for four days, which is significantly longer than a classic hackathon. The teams live and work on site in Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf – similar to an “artist in residence”.
What happens at the Places Hackathon?
Monday, 01.05. – Start of the working phase
Thursday, 04.05. – Jury tour, pitch & award ceremony at the opening reception of the festival.
Friday, 05.05, 15-20 and Saturday, 06.05,. – public presentation of the results as part of the Places Festival
Discover what prototypes the teams developed in just four days and get insights into new ideas for retail.
The shop windows that will be used during the Hackathon belong to a wide variety of institutions, actors and artists on Bochumer Straße. Not only are the typical retail represented, but also studios and vacancies. Whether the hackathon teams refer to the previous use of the storefronts or develop entirely new ideas is up to them.