Places Residency

Residency & Exhibition

© Jonas Kaltenkirchen

Discover the artworks of our residents and let them tell you about their experiences in the Kreativ.Quartier.

At Places Residency 2024, the main focus is on the question of how the virtual world and physical reality can be connected. Thanks to our smartphones, the digital world is always just a tap away in our jacket pocket or handbag – no matter where we are in the real world. Extended reality offers the opportunity to build a bridge between the two worlds. This creates shared spaces of experience that connect people in distant places.

Three creative people from outside the city are coming to the Kreativ.Quartier Ückendorf as artists in residence. While they live here for a week in April, they get to know the neighbourhood and its people. Their task is to create one or more artistic representations of the neighbourhood in XR based on their experiences. The results will be presented to the public at the festival and will continue to be exhibited in the mxr lab afterwards.

The artists’ works can be seen at the mxr lab from 3 June to 28 June.
Opening hours: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 13:00 – 17:00 and by appointment (email

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Kazuki Taguchi

My name is Kazuki and I specialise in site-specific art. I currently live in Saarland. I use paper made from local bark and plants as QR codes to create XR experiences, and scan unique buildings and landscapes of the region to integrate them into exhibitions using cutting-edge technology.

This will be my first visit to Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf and I’m really looking forward to the inspiration that comes from exploring new places. I’m looking forward to working with Ines, Manuel and the whole project team to bring new experiences to our audience. Let’s create some incredible moments in this project.

Ines Hilz

My name is Ines, I am an XR designer and 2D artist who is passionate about game design and immersive technologies such as AR and VR as they have the potential to educate, entertain and move us emotionally and physically. I mainly focus on social AR effects, artistic VR experiences and the extension of traditional oil painting through new technologies such as AR. Besides my work in XR, I am the co-founder of the indie game studio “Crabby Collabby Games” where I create hand-drawn graphics and frame-by-frame animations.

In the residency, I look forward to collaborating with other artists and exploring the possibilities and creative ways of combining traditional media such as painting or sculpture with augmented reality.

Manuel Ribeiro

My name is Manuel and I work as a digital artist in Münster. I am also an architect and teach a seminar on virtual reality at the Münster School of Architecture. Over the course of my professional life, I have been lucky enough to be involved in a wide range of experiences. From installations to architectural competitions, the works created with many colleagues have created a platform for communicating and connecting with people.

This artistic residency is an opportunity for me to express my passion for the transformation of public space in which everyone can participate. I hope that in the coming weeks I can successfully collaborate with other artists and audiences to create new experiences with site-specific places using new technologies in the field of virtual reality.


Dr. Nicola Hülskamp

Head of Division for “New Arts, Digitalisation, Change through Culture, State Cultural Report” at the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Julia Höner

Head of Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen

Roman Pilgrim

Festival management Places Festival

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kutter

At KreativInstitut.OWL responsible for immersive technologies such as VR/AR/XR and head of the XR lab.


Unearthing the Tale

Mapping experiment by Kazuki Taguchi

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Gewächs aus Gelsen

Collaborative augmented reality artwork by Ines Hinz

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Versteinertes Paradies

Virtual reality project by Manuel Ribeiro

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Exhibition venue in the Kreativ.Quartier Ückendorf

The exhibition takes place in the Kreativ.Quartier Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf. For a long time, the image of the district was characterised by social problems through structural change. Today, the neighbourhood is undergoing radical change. In recent years, an active art and culture scene has developed in the empty spaces around Bochumer Straße. Here, artists, designers and musicians live and work next door to each other. More and more IT start-ups are also settling in the shops, backyards, residential and business premises. An authentic neighbourhood where art, the start-up scene and vibrant nightlife come together. The exact address in the neighbourhood will be determined during the residency.

Update: the exhibition can be visited at the mxr lab until July 4th.

mxr labBochumer Straße 10945886 Gelsenkirchen

View on the map

Places Residency 2024 is a project of In Zukunft Ruhr e.V. as part of the Kreativ.Quartiere Ruhr programme, funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and implemented by ecce – european centre for creative economy GmbH and supported by the Cultural Department of the City of Gelsenkirchen.